Monday, January 25, 2016


Friday on the way home from school, my boys informed me of something…

PW:  (very solemn and serious) Mom, Junior and I have something we think you need to know.
ME:  (wondering how serious this announcement is going to be…) Okay, what’s that?
PW:  Well, we don’t feel comfortable pooping anywhere but home anymore
JUNIOR:  (joining in the announcement) Yeah, Mom.  I mean, we can poop at school, but it just feels weird.
ME:  ( still processing this information…) Does anyone feel weird having this conversation?
PW:  What?  We aren’t supposed to tell you where we feel comfortable pooping?  Who are we supposed to tell?

Enter impromptu life lesson on “what not to share”

Does anyone else have a family filled with “open sharers?”  As you can tell from our conversation, I live with two boys who freely share many, many things with me.  So much that I have become a bit numb to the information they delve out.  (Though, I will say this conversation is one for the record books!) 

Why do they share so much? They do have a mother that tends to be a wee bit blunt and open, but I wouldn’t dare blame this behavior on myself.  Why own up to a short-coming you’ve passed on to your children when you can blame it on something else?!  (I mean, I’m blunt, but I’m not stupid!)  Therefore, my take on their open behavior is this:

Subtly is lost on my boys.

Maybe it’s not all boys, but definitely my boys.  I can attest to the fact that hints, facial cues, simple gestures, etc – are completely lost on my children.  Unless the information is spelled out for them (or possibly even accompanied by a screaming voice and crazy-mom- eyes) the message is not often received. 

My conclusion is this:  because subtly doesn’t seem to find it’s way IN to their brains, it rarely makes its way OUT of their mouths.  Case in point, Friday’s after school conversation.

I mean, would you ever openly talk about where you prefer to take care of your…ahem…business?


Yet again, this is why parenting is a comical job. 

I have to admit that though their words can shock me, I am thankful that they still feel safe to share with me regularly.  I assume in time this need to share stuff with Mom could pass or at least become MUCH less frequent.  The teenage years are right around the corner for PW, so I would assume moments like this could start to trail off.  However, I do hope that no matter what, I never make them feel ashamed, weird, or wrong for coming to me with questions, comments, or announcements like the one above! 

What about your household?  Do you have open sharers?  I would LOVE to hear the crazy things your kiddos have shared with you!  Isn’t this part of the reason we parents blab about our kids?  They make us laugh!  I am sure many of us reading would love to hear your funny “what not to share” story as well!!  PLEASE post your crazy kid story in the comments below!  Let’s all have a good laugh!

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